Is your laundry taking longer in the dryer or feeling too hot after drying? Schedule a professional duct cleaning service today. A clogged duct or vent reduces dryer efficiency, which explains why you wait longer for your laundry to dry. The clogged ducts and vents can also cause dryer fires due to overheating. Learn more about dryer fires and how to prevent them.
Several issues can cause dryer fires when left uncorrected. Watch out for the following issues and request a repair and maintenance service to mitigate the risk of fires from your dryer.
Lint Built-Up
Tiny fibers break loose from the fabric during washing. The fabric particles, hairs, and other particulates combine to form lint. Lint and other particles get trapped in the lint filter, vent, and duct if your dryer does not receive regular cleaning.
Lint build-up obstructs airflow in the vent, impacting dryer efficiency and posing a fire risk. Fires break out when the dryer overheats due to reduced efficiency and ignites the lint.
Using Flexible Dryer Ducts
A duct connects the dryer to the vent. The duct can be metallic or plastic. However, homeowners are discouraged from installing flexible plastic ducts. The flexible duct can bend or sag, allowing lint to build up closer to the dryer. Flexible ducts also trap lint in their ridges. Lint accumulated in the twisted or sagging points can cause fires when they get ignited by dyer heat.
Poor Installation
Your dryer should discharge its exhaust to the outside through the vent but not open into the interior walls, attic, crawl space, or chimney. The opposite causes constricted airflow, which can lead to overheating and lint ignition, leading to dryer vent fires.
Overloading The Dryer
Like duct constriction and lint build-up, overloading your dryer obstructs airflow, leading to overheating, which can cause fires.
Drying Flammable Items
Not everything should go into your dryer. Some fabrics may ignite when exposed to dryer heat. Always look at the product label before putting it into your dryer to avoid causing fires. Also, avoid drying fabrics stained with volatile chemicals or flammable liquids in the dryer.
Dryer fires can cause property damage or even deaths. Luckily, they are preventable. Follow the tips below to reduce the risk of fires from your dryer.
Schedule Regular Duct and Vent Cleaning
Duct and vent clogging are the leading causes of dryer fires. Schedule regular dryer duct and vent cleaning to remove lint build-up and reduce the risk of fires. You can tell your dryer needs a duct cleaning if your clothes take longer to dry or they feel hotter when you get them from the dryer.
Clean Lint Filters
Lint filters trap fine fabric particles before they reach the dryer duct. Cleaning the filters prevents lint build-up, reduces the risk of fires, and enhances dryer efficiency. Never use a dryer without lint filters.
Replace Plastic or Flexible Dryer Ducts
Flexible ducts trap more lint, increasing the risk of fire. To reduce lint build-up, replace the flexible pipes with smooth, rigid metallic ducts.
Sort Your Laundry Before Using the Washing Machine and Dryer
Sorting your laundry before washing ensures flammable materials do not get into your dryer. It also allows you to erect options for cleaning and drying cloth items stained with volatile chemicals or flammable liquids.
Dryer fires are becoming common in Central Florida. But did you know you can prevent these fires by adhering to simple safety measures? It all starts with cleaning lint filters and ordering regular professional duct cleaning services from Steamatic of Central Florida. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a duct and vent cleaning service.
IMG Credit: Miro Vrlik Photography